Peak Performance
Often it is thought that performance steadily improves, improving in a straight line from A to B. What actually happens is performance improves in Jumps from a platform of consistent performance. What if you could jump your performance to the next level and not only that, rather than plateau at that level like many, actually know what the next Jump in your performance will be, and the next, and the next and achieve the unreasonable? Would that be of value to you?
From experience, not just theory, I have learned about what it takes to be successful at the very top of the world. This has enabled me to formulate tools and techniques that I have used on myself during the course of my career and I am now using with great effect to enhance others performance.
You have to refuse to settle for mediocre or just an ok performance and have a burning desire to succeed. You have to jump at the unreasonable. People often think the unreasonably ambitious are crazy, maybe they're right but they are often the ones who achieve what people thought was unreachable. This is the true high performance mindset, and in high performance, mindset is everything.
Success in my field is not my only learning curve, failure has served me just as well yet many people fear it. Fear of failure and worry are a waste of your time and will make you more likely to fail. Time and again I have had to pick myself up and dust myself off, come out swinging when my back has been against the wall. It is part and parcel of being unreasonably ambitious, successful and living on the edge of aiming to achieve greatness. It is imperative that you learn to roll with the punches and then hit back twice as hard.
Resilience and a strong mindset are a must in this game as you never know what is going to be thrown at you and it is also part of the excitement of the beautiful challenge. I know firsthand that achieving success can be stressful, brutal and unforgiving. The pressure can feel like the weight of the world is pinning you down, that everyone in the world is eyeballing every centimetre that you move. I have been successful in front of millions of people and I have also struggled in front of millions of people. It is brilliant, enriching, rewarding and life changing once you know how to free yourself from the weight of the world, unravel your wings and fly to new heights you have only dared to dream of.
Deciding to reach your unreasonable goals, investing in yourself and learning how to achieve your unreasonable goals, will be the best decision you have ever made and enable you to live the life that you truly deserve.
Be more you